Hospital in the Home allows eligible patients to access hospital services, such as nursing and medical care, in the comfort of their own home.
Our Hospital in the Home team works with patients, families and carers to providing ongoing medical treatment including intravenous antibiotics, pre-surgery treatments, Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT), blood disorders, wound dressings, sub-acute surgical care for wounds, stomas and drains, physiotherapy services including respiratory and much more.
The Heart Failure program is provided by a registered nurse with specialist knowledge in the field of heart failure. The program is aimed at providing education and support for people with a diagnosis of heart failure to encourage modification of risk factors and promote self-management strategies with positive psychological support. The aim is for this client group to achieve optimal physical and psychological function, to self-manage their condition and encourage positive healthy lifestyle change with guidance from the GP, cardiologist and specialist nurse.
Our Exercise Physiologist works as part of the Cardiac, Heart Failure and Pulmonary Rehabilitation Services in a multidisciplinary team.
The Exercise Physiologist develops exercise programs which supports patients to manage their chronic conditions and improve their overall quality of life.
Clients are referred by the Cardiac, Heart Failure or Pulmonary Rehabilitation services.
Dietitians help people understand the relationship between food and health. Dietitians can help you make dietary choices to support your health, and to prevent and treat illness and disease.
Dietitians can assist with a range of conditions including bowel disorders, metabolic syndrome, malnutrition, eating disorders, kidney and liver disorders, childhood feeding issues and tube feeding.
Dietitians can also advise clients on pre- and post- operative nutrition, on nutrition during oncology treatment, and provide healthy eating advice for a range of conditions.
Our Diabetes Team of credentialled Diabetes Educators and Diabetes Dieticians provides education and support for people with diabetes and their families.
We support the following:
Generalist Community Nursing is a free, confidential service providing a range of services including wound care, continence advice and management, management of venous access devices, palliative care nursing, nursing assessments, and client referral to other care providers including allied health and the Aged Care Assessment Team.
We accept self-referral, as well as referrals from allied health professionals, GPs, and hospitals.
Location: Tweed Community Health, Florence Street (on the site of The Tweed Hospital), Tweed Heads NSW 2485
Specialist staff in the Chronic Disease Management (CDM) service work with adults who have one or more diagnosed chronic conditions and need help to manage their condition and stay well at home. Clients may be in hospital, have recently been in hospital, or be at risk of going to hospital.
CDM services can help with locating the right type of care for you, as well as coordinating this care with other services to ensure you are well supported in the community.
A Shared Care Plan can be developed for you, together with your doctor and other health care professionals.
The Child and Family Therapy Team (CFTT) provides therapy services to children from birth to 18 years of age who reside in the Tweed and Byron Shires. Children under five year are given priority.
The Child and Family Health clinic is a free service to support families caring for children from birth to five years of age.
Child and Family Health Nurses provide regular developmental screening as well as information and support on breastfeeding, maternal and infant nutrition, introducing solids, growth and development, sleep and settling, parenting, immunisation, dental care, child safety and community services.
Our Child and Family counsellors provide assessment and counselling for children aged 0-12 years and their families/carers.
We offer help with a wide range of issues that children may experience, including behavioural difficulties, stress, anxiety and mood related problems. Where possible the Child and Family counselling service works collaboratively with schools and pre-schools.
Referrals can be received from GPs, pre-schools, or family and carers.
Location: The Tweed Hospital, Powell Street and Florence Street, Tweed Heads NSW 2485