Specialist Nurses in the Chronic Disease Management (CDM) service work with clients who have one or more diagnosed chronic conditions, have recently been in hospital, or are at risk of going to hospital and need help to manage their condition and stay well at home.
CDM services can help with locating the right type of care for you, as well as coordinate this care with other services to ensure you are well supported in the community.
A Shared Care Plan can be developed for you, together with your doctor and other health care professionals.
Child and Family Health Nurses provide a range of services for families caring for children aged 0-5 years, including:
* Developmental screening for children from birth to five years of age
* Home visits for new babies and follow ups
* Breastfeeding, maternal and infant nutrition support
* Immunisations
* Family health and welfare
* Parenting support
* Child health and development, including sleep and settling
For all appointments and immunisations, please bring your Blue Book and Medicare Card.
Child and Family Counselling is a free service for children aged 0-12 years and their families/carers.
We provide help with behavioural and emotional difficulties, anxiety management, relationship difficulties (not couple counselling), grief and loss issues and trauma. This is not a crisis response service and does not work directly with children while Family Court matters are in process.
Where possible the Child and Family Counselling service works collaboratively with schools, preschools and other relevant agencies.
No referral is required.
The Heart Failure Program and Cardiac Rehabilitation Programs involve a team of health professionals working to help you manage your heart condition.
We provide individual cardiac assessment and education focused on reducing cardiac disease risk factors, monitoring and managing your condition and improving your health.
The Cardiac Rehabilitation Program is managed by the Cardiac Liaison Nurse in conjunction with our Physiotherapy Department and Exercise Physiologist.
Audiometry provides assessment of problems in children and adults.
No referral is required for children. Adults require a referral from a General Practitioner or medical specialist.
Hours: 8.00am – 4.30pm Monday – Friday, by appointment only
Contact: (02) 6641 8702 (02) 6641 8703
Location: Grafton Ambulatory Care, 184 Arthur Street, Grafton NSW 2460
The Northern NSW Local Health District has a range of services aimed at helping you make positive changes to your alcohol and drug use. These include:
* Individual counselling support to reduce or stop your drug/alcohol use
* Hospital consultation and liaison for those at risk of alcohol or drug withdrawal (available at Tweed, Ballina, Lismore, and Grafton hospitals)
* The Riverlands Inpatient Withdrawal Unit at Lismore Base Hospital - medicated withdrawal from drugs or alcohol
We provide support to Aboriginal families with children under 5 years, and can also help parents and siblings in the family with any health concerns they may have.
Please call to make an appointment at a time that suits you, either at our health centre, or at a place of your choosing.
Hours: 8.00am – 4.30pm Monday - Friday
Contact: Ph (02) 6641 8702 Fax (02) 6641 8703
Location: Aboriginal Health Unit, Grafton Base Hospital, Arthur Street, Grafton NSW 2460
Grafton Ambulatory Care – Community and Allied Health
The Women’s Health Clinic provides a wide range of services for women aged 14 and over, including pap test screening, breast checks, pregnancy testing and advice, postnatal checks, post termination checks, diaphragm fitting, continence assessment, limited STI screening.
Our Women’s Health Nurses can provide information on sexual health, reproductive health, menstruation, menopause, osteoporosis, relationship and lifestyle issues and contraception, as well as group or individual education programs.
Our Speech Pathologists work with adults and children to treat a range of swallowing and communication difficulties.
This can include:
* Eating and drinking - difficulties with swallowing drinks or chewing and swallowing food, including people with alternate feeding e.g. PEG, NG
* Speech - ability to speak clearly and be understood
* Language - difficulty thinking of words, organising and expressing ideas, understanding conversation, following directions and answering questions, reading and writing impairment following brain injury/stroke