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Northern NSW LHD has entered into a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) for Research with NSW Health Pathology (NSWHP) to provide clear direction on how to engage them for research. The intention of the MOU is to improve and streamline research governance between both parties and provide a dedicated mechanism to engage NSWHP for research through a defined process. The MOU sets out the process and includes the following agreement templates:

Type of agreement Description
Service agreement This template is to be used when NSWHP is providing pathology-related services (e.g. specimen collection, processing, packaging, transport and/or testing) in connection with a clinical trial or research study.
Material transfer agreement This template is to be used when NSWHP is supplying biospecimens and, in some cases, associated data, which are stored and managed by NSWHP in connection with a clinical trial or research study. It includes options for the provision of services by NSWHP in connection with the supply of biospecimens and data (e.g., specimen collection, processing, packaging, transport and/or testing).
Collaborative agreement This template is to be used when Northern NSW LHD and NSWHP want to work collaboratively on a clinical trial or research study. It sets out how the parties will work together, the contributions (financial and/or in-kind) that each party will make, how the benefits of the study will be divided or shared (including any rights to intellectual property developed as a result of the study) and the responsibilities and obligations created by or for the study between the parties.

These templates have been approved by the Northern NSW LHD for use in all new research projects that involve the supply of services, biospecimens or data by NSWHP or collaborative projects between Northern NSW LHD and NSWHP.

Process for engaging NSW Health Pathology for research purposes

To access biospecimens (tissue, bloods, cells, urine, DNA/RNA or protein), data and/or research services from NSWHP to support research projects, but which does not involve conducting research at any facility, locations or services under the control of NSWHP, please use the statewide Access Request Form (based on the Office for Health and Medical Research’s Access Request Form), which can be found here, to submit a proposal for consideration by NSWHP.

The process for requesting support from NSWHP for research is detailed on the NSWHP website. Briefly, this involves completing and submitting an Access Request form (available as attachments on the NSWHP website) for consideration by NSWHP. The Access Request form will be processed by NSWHP and, if NSWHP are able to support the request, a relevant research agreement will be drafted using one of the MOU templates noted above.

Should you require assistance from NSWHP regarding the above, please contact:

Rebecca Walters
NSW Health Pathology
Customer Service Officer
Email: NSWPATH-North-BusDevUnit@health.nsw.gov.au
Ph. 02 4921 4000


Bente Talseth-Palmer
Acting Associate
Director Research
Email: NSWPATH-Research@health.nsw.gov.au
Ph: 0499 712 422

If you have any further questions, please contact the Northern NSW LHD Research Office.