Are you nurse or midwife?
You could win one of three $100 Woolworths gift vouchers if you share your thoughts.
The Nursing and Midwifery Research Capacity and Culture survey is your chance to share your thoughts on the research capacity and culture in nursing and midwifery in NNSWLHD. The findings from this study will inform future locally tailored research capacity building strategies.
The research involves completing a one-off, online survey which will take about 15- 20 minutes and is voluntary and anonymous. Participation or non-participation in this study will have no effect on your relationships or standing within NNSWLHD.
Are you eligible to participate?
- all registered nurses and midwives employed at NNSWLHD are eligible, irrespective of whether you’re in a clinical role or not (eg, managers, project officers)
- students on placement, agency staff and contingent workers, or staff who are not registered nurses or midwives aren’t eligible to participate.
To complete the survey or find out more, click this link. But don’t delay, the survey closes on 25 August.
- Some of the midwives at Grafton Base Hospital celebrating 2024 International Day of the Midwife