Our Patient Flow Unit is the team that makes sure patients across the District get the right care at the right time and in the right place.
Since launching in February 2023, they’ve coordinated more than 10,000 inter-hospital transfers, ensuring patients access specialist care when they need it most and returning them to hospitals closer to home when appropriate.
But it isn’t just about moving patients. The unit is about saving time and improving outcomes.
It’s a vital link between 12 inpatient sites across the district, private and tertiary hospitals, and NSW Ambulance and Patient Transport Services.
By monitoring demand and supply daily, they help balance patient loads and preserve hospital capacity for those who need it most.
Beds are identified faster for patients, which means less stress for clinical teams.
The unit’s highly skilled nurse coordinators with emergency and critical care expertise work alongside dedicated administration staff.
Together, they’re not just making patient transfers smoother and faster—they’re building relationships too.
District Manager Access and Patient Flow Rachel Dunstan said the team loved getting to know staff throughout Northern NSW. “The work we do is a collaborative effort, and we couldn’t do it without everyone’s support,” Rachel said.
Rachel and the team have created a wall of photos in their office to put faces to the people they connect with over the phone. They invite you to email your photo to the team.
While the Unit’s work is often behind the scenes, their impact is felt across every hospital in the District.
Hats off for your outstanding work!
Meet some of the key people in our Patient Flow Unit. From left are Nurse Coordinators Clinton Davis, Jennifer Phelan and Matt Martin with District Manager Access and Patient Flow Rachel Dunstan and Administration Officer Maddie Bark.
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