From today, visitors from certain NSW Local Government Areas (LGAs) will not be able to enter hospitals and health facilities in Northern NSW Local Health District.
At present, the affected areas are the Greater Sydney area and the Central Coast LGA, Wollongong LGA, and Blue Mountains LGA.
Visiting Hours and numbers are again being reduced to one visitor for one hour, once a day between the hours of 1pm – 6pm. There are no changes to maternity services at this stage.
Additional restrictions also apply to residential aged care facilities located at the four Multi-Purpose Services in Nimbin, Kyogle, Urbenville and Bonalbo.
No visitors will be allowed at these facilities, unless there are exceptional circumstances such as for palliative care.
“These are difficult, but necessary decisions that we are taking for the safety of our patients and our health facilities,” Northern NSW Local Health District Chief Executive Wayne Jones, said.
“We are in contact with the families and loved ones of residents in our facilities and will continue to monitor the situation closely in the lead up to Christmas.”
To further reduce risk in all health settings, all health workers in hospitals and community health settings should wear a mask if within 1.5 metres of patients, and patients are also required to wear a mask where possible.
Visitors will continue to be required to wear masks, and health screening is still in place at all NNSWLHD facilities, as part of the measures to reduce any risk of transmission and keep patients safe.
Anyone entering a facility will have their temperature checked and be asked a series of questions to determine they are well and have not visited any COVID hotspots in the past 14 days.
There are more than 300 COVID-19 testing locations across NSW. To find your nearest clinic visit https://www.nsw.gov.au/covid-19/how-to-protect-yourself-and-others/clinics or contact your GP.