When Kerri-Anne Falla, Nursing Unit Manager at Grafton Oncology/Haematology Unit became an oncology nurse she was overwhelmed with the warmth and support patients gave the staff.
“Even though the patients were experiencing the fight of their lives,” Kerri-Anne said.
“I knew that I wanted to give back, to create a reminder of the most courageous people I have had the privilege of caring for.
“I wanted something that was uplifting but also very personal to each patient that came through our doors - something to let people know that our patients’ warmth and strength had touched each one of us in a very special way.”
Knowing that trees are a symbol of strength, individuality, growth and interconnectedness, Kerri-Anne arranged for a tree to be painted on the Oncology Unit wall.
“I wanted every patient to place their handprint on the tree signifying new beginnings, the completion of treatment and a memory for those who now watch over us.”
Local Bundjalung artist, Madeline Grace was commissioned to provide the artwork. “Growing with Change,” a mural celebrating new seasons, now creates an uplifting and warm experience for people receiving care from the oncology team at Grafton Base Hospital.