We recently farewelled Matt Long and Phillip Woolley at a joint morning tea. Matt and Phil worked to enhance our digital health service capabilities and have ensured our District is well-placed to continue delivering excellent, patient-centred healthcare into the future.
Matt began as Senior Systems Analyst in the Clinical Information Systems Unit in May 2003 and then progressed to work in various roles including Chief Information Officer, before becoming Director Corporate Services in 2017.
Matt’s leadership with the region’s COVID-19 vaccination program was instrumental in the success of the program and the health of the Northern Rivers community. Matt also provided outstanding leadership and support throughout the development, transition and opening of Tweed Valley Hospital.
His contribution to the introduction and development of the District’s environmental sustainability and healthcare achievements received statewide recognition. Matt’s ongoing dedication to enhancing our digital health service capabilities and maturity has ensured our District is well-placed to continue delivering excellent, patient-centred healthcare into the future.
Matt is planning to return to the UK for an extended family visit before making any decisions about his future. We wish Matt all the best!
Phil Woolley began as the Chief Information Officer for the District in 2022 and has provided excellent oversight and direction of our digital health services during his time here.
Phil provided outstanding leadership and support throughout the development, transition and opening of Tweed Valley Hospital.
Phil’s retirement plans include enjoying more time with his family in Queensland. We wish Phil a happy and relaxing retirement!
Phil (left) and Matt at the farewell morning tea.