In an emergency, always call triple zero (000) for an ambulance. Ambulances are the safest way to be assessed, treated and transported to the right hospital for the care you need.

Triple zero (000) is a free call from any phone, mobile or phone box.

For less severe but still urgent situations, go to an Emergency Department.

There are 12 public hospital Emergency Departments in Northern NSW Local Health District and they are all available 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

Emergency departments are located at:

COVID-19 Update: 26 November 2021
Published: 26 Nov 2021

Northern NSW Local Health District continues to urge people to get vaccinated against COVID-19 and to seek testing immediately if symptoms develop.

One new case of COVID-19 was reported for NNSWLHD to 8pm 25 November.

This case is located in the Byron Local Government Area, a traveller from outside the region. This case is not associated with the Aquarius Backpackers in Byron Bay, and the source of the case’s infection is under investigation.

Update on Aquarius Backpackers, Byron Bay

More than 80 current guests and on-site staff, all close contacts, have been tested for COVID-19 and offered a COVID-19 vaccination. The vast majority of close contacts were already fully vaccinated, and three people were provided with a second dose vaccination.

Test results are still being collated, and any new positive cases associated with this venue will be announced in due course.

One new venue of concern has been identified in Byron Bay.


Date and Time

Byron Bay
Rocks Café @ Aquarius
16 Lawson Street
Saturday 20 November, Sunday 21 November, and

Monday 22 November


8.30am – 9.00am on each of these days.


Anyone who has been at the above venue at the dates and times listed, and who has not yet been contacted directly by NSW Health, is considered a casual contact and must immediately get tested and isolate until a negative result is received.

If you are a casual contact of someone with COVID-19:

  • get tested for COVID-19 immediately and self-isolate until you get a negative result
  • get tested again on day 6 after your last contact with the COVID-19 positive person. If you feel well, you do not need to self-isolate while waiting for this test result.
  • Contact tracing and risk assessments are continuing, and health staff are providing advice to individuals about their isolation requirements, depending on their individual vaccination status and COVID-19 symptoms.

More information about isolation requirements is available on the NSW Health website.

The QML drive-through COVID-19 testing clinic at Cavanbah Sports Ground, Ewingsdale Road, Byron Bay is open:

  • Friday 26 November, open 9am – 4pm
  • Saturday 27 November, open 9am – 2pm
  • Sunday 28 November, open 9am – 2pm

The Byron Central Hospital testing clinic, located on Ewingsdale Road is open seven days a week from 9am – 5pm. No appointments required. Find your nearest testing clinic on the NSW Government website.

If you have not yet received your COVID-19 vaccination, you can find your closest clinic or make a booking at the Australian Government’s COVID-19 Vaccine Clinic Finder.


Additional Community Support Accommodation being established in Lismore

NNSWLHD is establishing community support accommodation in Lismore to assist close contacts of people with COVID-19 to isolate safely and effectively, if they cannot do so at their current premises.

A community of 17 motorhomes will be established at the Lismore Showground which already has access to power, water, and waste disposal services. These are expected to be operational from early next week.

Each motorhome has heating and cooling and includes living and bedroom accommodation, kitchen, toilet, a shower, and radio/television. The campervans are well insulated to cater for the variable weather.

The motorhomes will be situated together in one area of the park, with a clear boundary. The showground will continue to operate, and regular guests and showground patrons will be able to continue to use the facilities.