An additional two cases of COVID-19 have been confirmed in the last 24 hours in residents of the Northern NSW Local Health District (NNSWLHD). This brings the total cases to 57 as at 8pm Wednesday 13 May.
The new cases include one resident who acquired the illness overseas and one resident whose case is still being investigated with regards to the source.
51 cases in Northern NSW Local Health District are recovered. There are no cases being treated in hospital.
NNSWLHD cases by likely source of infection:
Source Total
Overseas or interstate acquired 53
Contact of a confirmed case or in a known cluster 2
Contact not identified 1
Under investigation 1
Total 57
More information and statistics for Local Government Areas can be found at https://www.health.nsw.gov.au/Infectious/diseases/Pages/covid-19-lga.as…
Relaxed gathering restrictions to be handled with care
As we move to easing some restrictions on public gatherings, dining and outdoor activities from tomorrow, I want to remind our community to take their personal responsibilities seriously.
It’s good news that we’ll be able to move about more freely and catch up with our friends and family, but we still have an obligation to practice social distancing measures to prevent transmission of this virus.
As we’ve seen in recent days, the numbers of new cases can vary from day to day, we have certainly not overcome this pandemic.
Please do your best to keep your 1.5 metre distance from others, keep up frequent hand washing and avoid touching your face or public surfaces where possible. I also encourage everyone to download the COVIDsafe app, to help with contact tracing as we become more mobile.
It’s also imperative that anyone who is showing flu-like symptoms, however mild, comes forward for testing and stays home while they are unwell.
Our testing clinics are open seven days a week, and we encourage people to be tested again if they are experiencing flu-like symptoms, even if they have had a negative test previously.