With Easter holidays now upon us, health authorities are encouraging people to celebrate safely as health restrictions come into force for certain local government areas in Northern NSW.
Northern NSW Local Health District Chief Executive, Wayne Jones, said the current rules around mask wearing, private gatherings and social distancing shouldn’t mean that people need to miss out on connecting with loved ones and friends over the Easter break.
“If you’re meeting up with friends, hosting a family gathering or celebrating at a religious service, please ensure you are following the current health advice,” Mr Jones said.
New restrictions are now in place for residents and visitors in the local government areas of Tweed Shire Council, Ballina Shire Council, Byron Shire Council and Lismore City Council:
• mask wearing is compulsory on public transport, in retail stores, and in all public indoor settings;
• the one person per four square metre rule will apply at all public indoor settings including hospitality venues;
• the number of household visitors will be capped at 30 including holiday rental properties.
“If you’re going out to celebrate, check-in and then check-out with the QR codes, so if needed, our contact tracers can quickly locate anyone who may have been a venue of concern,” Mr Jones said.
“If you are having people gather at your home, please also keep a list of your guests, because it’s vital that our health teams are able to track down potential close contacts of any positive COVID-19 cases.”
There have now been 70 cases of COVID-19 among residents in the Northern NSW Local Health District since the pandemic began, with the latest locally acquired case announced yesterday (Wednesday 31 March).
Prior to this case, the region had experienced 248 days without a locally acquired infection.
NNSWLHD cases by likely source of infection:
Overseas or interstate acquired
Locally acquired – contact of a
confirmed case or in a known cluster
Locally acquired – source not identified
Under investigation
Of these cases, 67 are considered to have recovered.
Visitor restrictions in hospitals and health facilities have been strengthened to protect patients and staff.
Patients are now permitted to have one visitor for one hour, twice a day, between the hours of 1pm and 6pm. Two separate visitors could visit a patient during these hours.
Temperature checking is in place, and visitors who have been in the Greater Brisbane area over the last 14 days are not permitted to enter. Visitors also need to check in with the QR code.
Maternity services have also further restricted visitors. Women can continue to nominate two support people for her labour and birth, and these support people can also visit after the birth. No other visitors are permitted at this time.
“Wherever you are over this holiday period, it’s critical that you continue to practise COVID-safe behaviours and come forward for testing, with even the mildest of symptoms,” Mr Jones said.
To help stop the spread of COVID-19:
- If you are unwell, get tested and isolate right away – don’t delay. Remain isolated until you receive your test result.
- Wash your hands regularly. Take hand sanitiser with you when you go out.
- Keep your distance. Leave 1.5 metres between yourself and others.
- It is strongly recommended you wear a mask in situations where you can’t physically distance.
To find your nearest testing clinic visit https://www.nsw.gov.au/covid-19/how-toprotect-
yourself-and-others/clinics or contact your GP.