Hospital in the Home
Hospital in the Home allows eligible patients to access hospital services, such as nursing and medical care, in the comfort of their own home.
Our Hospital in the Home team works with patients, families and carers to providing ongoing medical treatment including intravenous antibiotics, pre-surgery treatments, Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT), blood disorders, wound dressings, sub-acute surgical care for wounds, stomas and drains, physiotherapy services including respiratory and much more.
Patients are classified as inpatients of Tweed Valley Hospital and cared for in collaboration with treating specialists and consultants.
The Hospital in the Home team identifies eligible patients, who can then choose to continue their treatment at home if they wish.
Access criteria:
- Any patients with a medical condition requiring further treatment and who are assessed as medically stable and appropriate to be safely managed in the home may be eligible.
- Must have access to phone. Must live within geographic area of Palm Beach to Pottsville and west to Cobaki, or be able to provide own transport to access clinic for treatment.
Location: Tweed Heads Community Health, Tweed Heads NSW 2485
Hours: 8.30am-5.00pm Monday to Friday
Contact: Phone: (07) 5506 7540; fax: (07) 5506 7844